I recently learned about a fascinating study that I had to share with you all. Researchers took two groups of people– professional violinists and regular, everyday people off the street– and pricked everyone’s index finger...
I just found this really great article that cut close to home. It’s about the tricks people use to con others into thinking they’ve got some great new alternative healing method. I hate to admit...
New York Times: The Long Search for Fibromyalgia Support Just found this really great NYT article from 2009. It tells the story of Judy Robinson, who developed fibromyalgia after having abdominal surgery. It took her...
I can’t believe I haven’t seen this video until now. It was incredibly validating, and I absolutely loved it. http://www.ted.com/talks/elliot_krane_the_mystery_of_chronic_pain.html It is given by Elliot Krane, who is a pediatrician and anesthesiologist at Stanford University. ...
“From most doctors she gets a rapid-fire diagnosis and a briskly offered treatment plan. In one city after another, the process is the same: it’s as though she needs brain surgery but is being handed...